Today My Mum, Jessye and I, made a trip to the London Fields and the Viktor Wynd's little shop of horrors, for the Lina Scheynius exhibition. As exhibitions go, I fell in love, with it's one roomed coffin centrepeice smallness, and the unintensity of it all. After the exhibition, we then went for tea at this amazing Café, in the London Fields.
It was such a lovely part of London, and a beautiful day.
The women sitting behind me at the Café, was possibly my dream women, she not only had dirty purple hair, but also Jeffrey Cmabell clinic shoes.
There were also some amazing shops, including a magical book/magazine shop. Where I bought a copy of Gentlewomen with Pheobe Philo on the front, and a copy of the most beautiful magazine I have seen called Vague Paper.

Gentlewomen, Vague Paper and Lina Scheynius postcards.
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