31 January 2010

My poor excuse for a tumblr post

I love these kind of images. I love the feel that they where just taken on the spur of the moment. And not thought about. Even though hours probably went into creating them. That I think is why I love Polaroids so much, they are just so instant but perfect. So these are a few of the thousand images like this I love. 


My birthday.

I am now officially 15. Meaning as my friend pointed out I can legally watch rated 15 movies. HOW MUCH BETTER DOES IT GET!!! - sarcasm intended - but hey technacally I am only a day older than yesterday. So for my birthday I had a fancy dress tea party with a few close friends. 

This is what I wore. 

If you can't guess I was a Toadstall. 

The hat was hanmade and the dress is Alxander Wang.

Technically this dress was a birthday present to myself. I literally had to hunt this down, I searched endless sights with tears streaming down my face in anticipation. It was so hard to find anywhere!!! But eventually I found it - Miracle I know - and immediately bought it without even thinking how my 5'4" body would fit. Honestly though I couldnt care less. I HAD to have this. I love it with all my heart. 
And thankfully the length is not as much an issue as it could of been. I am so proud to say my first piece of designer clothing was bought one by me and two designed by the genius that is Alexander Wang. 


29 January 2010

Hey guys!

 Last night while trying to sleep I relised I have never fully introduced myself!!!! So I thought I would take the time. On the eve of my 15th to say a quick hello. And yes I have conveniantly tried not to mention it is my birthday tomorrow. So gutted. I'm getting so old.

So hi. This is me. Ruby Luella. Pulling my only face when in front of a camera in whatt is a wonderfully low quality picture, but hey I had to deal with fading light and a laptop camera. This is the best you are getting . I thought what better way to introduce myself than with the Guardians good old Q&A they have each week in their weekend magazine.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
New York. Sun. Bagels. Fashion Week.  
What is your greatest fear?
To live longer than 42.
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
My obsessions. 
What makes you depressed?
What has been your most embarrassing moment?
School is pretty embarassing. A very long moment but an embarrasing one.
What is your greatest extravagance?
What is your most treasured possession?
My debit card? If I lost it I would die. Killed by Mother.
What is your favourite smell?
Damp or laundrettes so good.
What is your favourite book?
The 5 people you meet in heaven. Oscar Wilde short stories. Jeckyll and Hyde
What is your fancy dress costume of choice?
What is your guiltiest pleasure?
Style.com wishing for clothes I could never afford.
What is your greatest regret?
I really don't have one worth writing about because that is how exciting my life is.
What single thing would improve the quality of your life?
The loss of all emotion. Sleep
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
This blog here.
What keeps you awake at night?
Nothing. I just can't sleep.


28 January 2010

Chanel Couture

Okay I would of actually killed to be here. Although I never really got Couture fashion week I seem to think I do know. Orginally I didn't think much of it, I never really felt the love and desire to pounce on each item and run away with. But Chanel has changed that now. I am a couture convert - although I still find it impossible to spell - anyways Chanel.

First off THE HAIR seriously I love it. Looking at it, it felt very Lolita esque. Kind of heart shaped balloon on each side with faded colourful amazingness if you get what I mean? I thought I would just poing this out. You know, in case you missed it?

Honestly how do people do this, the detail that goes into these. It makes my head spin. You have to look at each peice for at least half an hour each. Seriously the craftsmenship and skill that has gone into this show is unbalievable. One dress featured 17,000 hand cut satin flowers. I am in total awe of the people who dedicate their lives to making something so beautiful and pleasing. And I honestly think they should be put into the limelight more often. I am also amazed to find out that this is the first collection in Karl lagerfields WHOLE career where he didn't use black or navy blue!!!!

i'll just quickly pop in here and add that this peice took 700 hours to make.

Chanel is literally a power house, they come out with six collections per year and each one so far has been flawless. There is not much else I can say other than I love the silver booties and load of silver in Baptiste's suit.


26 January 2010

Prada Fantasy

If I ever said a bad word against the Prada RTW - Which I think I did - I have to take it back.

I am in love with these pictures.
And that makes me feel bad that I ever put the collection down.
I couldn't contain myself when I saw the shoes.


24 January 2010

Alexander Mqueen 2010

Seriously what can I say?
He just seems to effortlessly create something sureal and scarily beautiful. His collection was beyond words now his ad campiagn is too.





This collection was futuristic sarealist genius. That immediately I found very hard to look at.
There was something about it that I found terrifying. The beauty of it but also the whole feel that it was so alien to anything anybody had seen before. It was a lot to take in all at once.
I mean you can't really know what to expect with Alexander Mcqeen and from the start he has created provocative fashion. But this was different this was on another level.


23 January 2010


A couple of weeks ago I was handed a present from my Mother.
It was a Lula magazine that I had previously asked for and she had heard was a good read.
Normally it is up to me to fuel my Magazine addiction so this was a pleasant surprise.
I was even more pleasently surprised when I started to read the magazine and totally fell in love with it.

When it comes to magazines I am picky and probably on the side of OCD.
I catagorize them. Some more higly then others.
They are treated like bibles. You must have permission to handle them and only when your hands are clean. They must not be damaged at all when bought and if damaged by anybody they must be replaced.
 Of course this does not apply to all my magazines only the most wonderful.

Lula has now been added to this catagory. Now making that two to ever make it there - the other being Love - When I first picked up Lula it was issue 8 with Chanel Iman on the cover. I picked it up and realised it was going to be good, only to be swiftly whisked away to another book shop. Leaving Lula behind.

So when I recieved this magazine - after checking for any damage - I went straight upstairs to read it cover to cover as I do with all magazines.

Honestly I was totally blown away. And yes you may find it silly that I have this much passion for a magazine but it was amazing. Just the quality of the paper for starters, then the pictures and general photogrphy but also the style of the magazine.
When it comes to fashion magazines I like them to be different I like them to break boundaries or come across as something else completely which is what I felt Lula did. Although it is a fashion magazine it did not feel like one it felt more like a homemade cookery book made by the homebaking american Mom.
I loved it especially the style of interview it was very friendly and conversational.
The peices were great and I especially loved the story at the end.

Lula issue 9 with Karen Elson


16 January 2010


I was so SO excited when I realised this film would be on TV last night. 
Like so excited I sat through a whole 105 minutes of She's the man just so not to miss it!!!

After reading and obsessing over the book. I was curious about how they could make such a complicated book into a reasonable film. But honestly I was so impressed. It was so perfectly raw. 

It was such an amazing film. 
Everything about it was amazing and only one word can really describe it. Raw. 
It was so chilling. It was a really heartrenching but emotionless film.
The only critisism I have was the way they left out some really good parts of the book, which yes maybe would of been too off track for a film but I think where important in really pushing the feeling of the story. The cast was so fantastic and really authentic, they also seemed to grasp the ideas of the characters so perfectly. The opening scene was so perfect. 

Choose Life. 


15 January 2010

Colour obsessionnnnn

O to the R to the A to th N to the G to the E to the oh yeaaahhh babbbyy

This collection has really been on my mind at the moment.
Everything I think at the moment is in orange with this as a soundtrack.
Loving ittt in an orange kind of way!


12 January 2010

The mystery man has been revealed!!!

A long long time ago. A young girl named Luella was reading a Vogue.
And in this Vogue was an ad For Marc Jacobs Daisy.
Luella looked at the picture and felt a little hole in her body fill.
The picture she saw was beautiful. It was amazing.
So Luella spent a long time searching for her mystery photogropher her mystery man.
Until one day she found him.
His name was Juergen Teller.

These are all pictures by the superstarr photogropher.
Past and present, they are not necessaruly the ones I would choose but they are so hard to come by on the internet.
The last is his book about his colaborations with Marc Jacobs since 1998.
